WELCOME TO The Mexican American Bar
Association of Dallas

MABA Dallas is committed to advancing and empowering the Mexican-American Community through public service and advocacy. MABA Dallas supports the underrepresented Hispanic communities in Dallas through education, community involvement, advocacy, and access to our legal system. Through political endorsements, MABA understands the need to diversify not only our courtrooms but all levels of government. We welcome all attorneys to join the Mexican-American Bar Association (MABA) chapter in Dallas and encourage the active involvement of all of our members. Please visit our Facebook page and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest information about member meetings, socials, and opportunities to get involved with MABA Dallas.
Goals and Purpose
- Maintain and elevate standards of professional conduct
- Increase professional skills through continuing legal education
- Improve the opportunities for and promote recognition of the capabilities of Hispanic/ Latino attorneys and judges in their roles as legal professionals, public servants, and community leaders
- Facilitate member participation in pro-bono legal services
- Promote a better understanding of the legal profession to the Hispanic/ Latino community and the public
- Give voice to legal issues affecting the Hispanic/Latino community
- Support greater participation in the legal profession by members of the Hispanic/ Latino community
2025 MABA Dallas Officers and Board of Directors

President – Eric Cedillo
President-Elect – Geraldine Gonzalez
Secretary – Hon. Maurice Aguilar
Treasurer – Marcos Soto
Parliamentarian – Roberto Alonzo
Webmaster – Ashley Moreno
Board of Directors
Chloe Corbett
Olegario Estrada
Hon. Remeko Edwards
Adriana Fierro
Brittany Gomez
Michaela Himes
Angel Mata
Pat Montes
Dave Olivas
Eric Puente
Guillermo Ramos
Jaime Resendez
David Reyna
Cristina Salazar
Angelica Sander