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May 7, 2020: Open Letter to Gov. Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Patrick and Attorney General Paxton

Thursday, May 7, 2020

To: The Honorable Governor Abbott;
CC: The Honorable Lt. Governor Patrick; and
The Honorable Attorney General Paxton

From: The Mexican American Bar Association of Dallas Officers and Board of Directors

Dear Governor Abbott:

We fully adopt the views shared by the twelve Dallas County District Judges in
their letter sent on May 6, 2020, expressing their concern of your attempts to interfere
with the independence of the judiciary and run afoul of the separation of powers
between the Executive and Judicial Branch that is so ingrained in not only our Texas
constitution but in the United States constitution as well. It sets precedence for
bolstering politically, advantageous platforms rather than the law and enforcing it.
You should agree no person is above the law, as you were a former Texas
Supreme Court Judge. By ensuring justice for all regardless of race, gender, sexual
orientation, or socio-economic status the rule of law is to be respected, and when
challenged, allow the judiciary to do its job.

A lawyer’s responsibility as outlined in No. 4 of Texas Disciplinary Rules of
Professional Conduct is to demonstrate respect for the legal system and for those who
serve it, including judges, other lawyers and public officials. While it is a lawyer’s duty,
when necessary, to challenge the rectitude of official action, it is also a lawyer’s duty to
uphold the legal process.

Your Attorney General’s statement, regarding District Judge Eric Moye, where he
accused the Judge of abusing his authority and accused the Judge of doing so as a
political stunt, runs in conflict with Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct
8.02(a) which states, “a lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer knows to
be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the qualifications
or integrity of a judge, adjudicatory officer, or of a candidate for election or appointment
to judicial or legal office”. By doing so, Attorney General Paxton unfairly undermined
public confidence in the administration of justice.

Allow us, the lawyers, to do our jobs and challenge the laws when we see
injustice. Allow the judges to rule and let us appeal to the higher courts. Let us return to
the days of professionalism and not rely on political stunts to fix punitive Executive

As members of the Texas Bar, we are compelled by the Texas Lawyers Creed,
specifically: “I will always be conscious of my duty to the judicial system.” We believe
that all lawyers licensed by the State Bar of Texas should live up to this creed, no matter
their title. Our hope is that you will be reminded of the Creed and Rules we all follow as
practicing attorneys in the state of Texas and hold our profession to the high standard it

Very Respectfully,

The Board of Directors and Officers
Mexican American Bar Association – Dallas

Roberto Cañas – President
David R. Olivas – Vice President
Cristina Salazar – Secretary
Eric Puente – Treasurer
Nicolas Quezada – Parliamentarian
Angelica Sander- Webmaster

Board of Directors:
Roberto Alonzo
Eric Cedillo
Olegario Estrada
Cassandra G. Hernandez
Jonathan Hernon
Jaime Resendez
Jessica Sepulveda